Hey, Google, Turn On Wiretap: Search and Seizure in White Collar Cases

Time/Date: Wednesday, October 21 2020 at 6:00 pm

Attendee Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86525936710?pwd=UnRKeldqR1RvR3VoK1Y1enVER3VWdz09 (Meeting ID: 865 2593 6710)


The world is not there yet, but advances in technology have dramatically changed white collar investigations. This program takes an entertaining look at search and seizure of smartphones and electronic data held by service providers like Apple and Google. Come learn about search warrants, wiretaps, particularity, overbreadth, and compelling production of passcodes, all in the context of an insider trading investigation of a member of Congress.

Program Materials:

White Collar CLE Packet