Immigration - Impact of the Election and Donald Trump's
Wednesday, February 15 2017
5:30 pm at Cravath Swaine & Moore, LLP,
Worldwide Plaza, 825 Eighth Avenue, New York
Just in case anyone might have thought that a Donald Trump
presidency would have limited impact on immigration, think again!
Our program will use dramatic skits to explore some of the key
areas impacted, the likely consequences, and the role lawyers can
play in assisting people in need. We will also be joined by a panel
of experts who are "on the ground" in this tumultuous field today:
Immigration Judge Ameina Kahn • JoJo Annobil, Executive Director,
Immigrant Justice Corps • SaraLyn Cohen, Pro Bono Counsel, Shearman
& Sterling • Danny Alicea, Fragomen Fellow, City Bar Justice
Center • Barbara Camacho, Pro Bono Counsel, Fragomen Worldwide
Program Materials:
Materials - Part I
Materials - Part II
Materials - Part III