Grey Goods, Sonny Bono, and Stravinsky: SCOTUS on
September 15, 2011 5:30 PM
Offices of SNR Denton
1221 Avenue of the Americas
24th floor
NY, NY 10020-1089
An advertising agency, its clients, and counsel wrestle with
the practical application of intellectual property
CLE Hours: 1.50
Program Materials
- Costco Case - US Supreme Ct Decision
- Costco Case - Petitioner Brief to US Supreme
- Costco Respondent's Brief
- Costco Case - Petitioner's Reply Brief
- Costco 9th Cir. Decision
- Wiley Decision
- 17 USC 104A
- 17 USC 109
- 17 USC 109(1)
- 17 USC 504
- 17 USC 602
- 210 US 339
- 364 US 263
- 409 US 188
- 523 US 135, the Quality King case
- 810 F2d 1506
- 932 F2d 1475
- Golan 10 Cir. Decision
- Golan Petitioner's Brief
- Golan Respondent's Brief
- Golan Petitioner's Reply Brief