The Jeydel Award is intended to be given annually by the Justice
Marie L. Garibaldi American Inn of Court for Alternate Dispute
Resolution in memory of Richard K. Jeydel, a founding master of the
Garibaldi Inn, to a current member of one of the American Inns of
Court located in New Jersey in recognition of his/her demonstrated
civility, professionalism, ethics, and excellence in and service to
alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
Persons Eligible for the Jeydel Award
All current members of Inns of Court in New Jersey, except for
the members of the Jeydel Award Committee.
Jeydel Award Committee
The President of the Garibaldi Inn will appoint the members of
the Jeydel Award Committee on an annual basis.
The Committee shall be comprised of:
- the President;
- a member of the Executive Committee (who will be the Committee
- a member of the Garibaldi Inn who is not a member of the
Executive Committee;
- an additional member of the Garibaldi Inn and;
- the Executive Director, who will serveex officio.
Members of the Committee should be selected so that the
Committee as a whole reflects the diversity of the membership of
the Inn.
Nomination Process
The Executive Director of the Garibaldi Inn will annually
solicit nominations for the Jeydel Award (a) through an e-mail
(and regular mail if e-mail is not available)request for
nominations circulated to all current and past members of the
Garibaldi Inn; (b) through an e-mail request to each of the
other American Inns of Court located in New Jersey and to the NJSBA
Dispute Resolution Section; (c) through a press release issued
to the legal publications in New Jersey regarding the solicitation
of nominations and (d) a posting on the Garibaldi Inn website.
The request for nominations should at a minimum:
- describe the award (as set forth above),
- announce that the Inn is soliciting nominations,
- advise of the deadline for submission of nominations,
- request that nominations be directed to the Chair of the Jeydel
Award Committee, and
- request that all nominations be accompanied by a narrative of
no more than500words explaining why the person nominated should
receive the Jeydel Award.
Members of the Jeydel Award Committee are not eligible for the
Jeydel Award in the year in which they sit on the Committee.
Selection of Recipient
The Jeydel Award Committee will receive and review the
nominations for the award and make a recommendation to the
Garibaldi Inn President regarding the recipient of the award.
In doing so, the Jeydel Award Committee shall ensure that the
eligibility requirement has been met by the recipient and
determine, in its collective judgment, the individual who best
demonstrates civility, professionalism, ethics, and excellence in
and service to ADR. In appropriate circumstances, the Jeydel
Award Committee can recommend more than one recipient in a year
(and need not recommend any recipient in a year). The
President shall transmit the recommendation of the Jeydel Award
Committee to the Garibaldi Inn Executive Committee, who, in turn,
shall either accept or reject the recommendation. If the
Jeydel Award Committee recommends that an Officer receive the
award, the nominated member will neither receive a copy of the
report and recommendation, nor be included in the discussion of the
officers regarding accepting or rejecting the recommendation of the
Jeydel Award Committee.
Annual Award Timeline (to be adjusted as
necessary based upon the calendar):
By May 1 Garibaldi Inn
President appoints Jeydel Award Committee
1 Last
date by which Garibaldi Inn issues letter/e-mail soliciting
30 Last
date for submission of nominations
Last date by which the Jeydel Award Committee provides its
recommendation to the President
August 15 Last date by which
the Garibaldi Inn Executive Committee accepts or rejects the
recommendation of the Jeydel Award Committee
The award is presented at the September Inn Meeting.