Diversity Policy of the Garibaldi Inn
Consistent with the American Inns of Court's Diversity Policy, the Garibaldi Inn is committed to both recruiting and retaining a diverse membership, as well as creating and maintaining a culture of diversity and inclusion throughout the organization and in the legal and ADR professions. Generally, the Inn seeks to have individuals with diverse backgrounds join the Inn, participate on (through volunteering or appointment) various committees, and take on leadership roles within the governance structure. To that end, the Inn continually reaches out to law firms, corporations, law schools and other education institutions, and the greater legal community to recruit new members and disseminate information about the American Inns of Court and the Garibaldi Inn. The Inn also regularly attends and participates in various diversity-related programs in the community to seek and recruit new members of diverse backgrounds. The Inn regularly hosts programs during the year on diversity and inclusion issues, including those on implicit bias and cultural diversity, so as to sensitize our members to these issues and to develop competency skills related to them.
The Inn also offers scholarships to potential members who cannot otherwise afford to pay the annual dues. Those who have a genuine financial hardship may contact the Executive Director and explain the basis of her/his hardship. Based upon the circumstances of the situation, the Executive Director will, in consultation with the Officers, make a determination to award a partial or full scholarship of the Inn's annual dues. Finally, the Inn has established an ADR scholarship program that offers modest financial scholarships to eligible law students in New Jersey who demonstrate an interest in ADR.