Sarasota, Florida


Welcome to the Judge John M. Scheb American Inn of Court website.

The objectives of our Inn are the establishment and maintenance of a membership of judges, lawyers, legal educators, and law students, to promote excellence in legal advocacy, foster greater understanding of the system of American law, provide significant educational experiences that improve and enhance the skills of lawyers and judges, help the development of law students, promote collegiality among us, and carry ethical values from one generation to another.

Our meetings emulate the concept of the English Inns of Court by providing educational experiences through member participation and allow us to maintain a collegial environment among judges, lawyers, and students to foster common goals and nurture professional ideals and ethics.

This website provides information about the history, formation and operation of our Inn, and its current officers and chairs.

The Judge John M. Scheb American Inn of Court is now accepting membership applications.  Please fill out the New Member Application and return to Membership Chair Natalya Evans