The officers of the Inn include a President, President- Elect, Vice President (Counselor), Secretary and Treasurer. The President-Elect and Counselor must be selected from among the Masters by a vote of a majority of the Masters present at a meeting noticed for that purpose. The Secretary and Treasurer may be elected from any class of membership by a vote of a majority of the membership at a meeting noticed for that purpose. The officers serve for one-year terms and may succeed themselves.

Annually, the President appoints a nominating committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. The annual election of officers occurs at the May meeting of the Inn. Officers take office on July 1 of each year.

The President, with consent of the officers, appoints Program, Membership, Hospitality, and Reporter Chairs. The officers and chairs constitute the Executive Committee.

2023-2024 Executive Committee

President: Hon. Dana M. Moss

President-elect: Amanda Gambert

Immediate Past President: Adam Portnow

Counselor: Hon. Andrea McHugh

Treasurer: Kaylin Humerickhouse

Secretary: Erin Itts

Historian: Shannon Hankin

Membership Chair: Emily K. Tienstra

Social Chair: Lloydann Wade

Program Chair: Julie Liang Herd

Media/PR Chair: Sean M. Byrne

Webmaster: Alan L. Perez

Stetson Liaison: Bonnie Polk