The ultimate authority in the Ginsburg Inn rests with the Masters who vote on policies, procedures, approval of new members and the election of new officers. The Executive Committee meets periodically as necessary and generally conducts the business of running the Inn. The Executive Committee is composed of the following officers and committee chairs: President, President-Elect, Past President, Founder, Administrator, Assistant Administrator, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Master Emeritus Coordinator, Program Chair, Mentoring Chair, C.L.E. Chair, Law School Liaison Chair, Court Liaison Chair, Social Chair, Reporter, Photographer, Notice Coordinator, Catering Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator, Awards Coordinator, Webmaster, Banner and Name Badges.

The Executive Committee is:

President: The Honorable Barry Hafar

Past President: Chris Deason

Founder: Gloria C. Bates

Administrator: Cheryl Husmann

Treasurer: Brandi Ladd

Membership: Shannon Bickham