On November 13, 2013 the Delaware Bar launched the Randy J. Holland Delaware Workers' Compensation American Inn of Court as the state's seventh chapter. Although the newest American Inn of Court in Delaware, it opened as the state's second largest and boasted the largest inaugural membership of any Inn of Court in the United States. Prior to the inauguration of the Holland Inn, no American Inn of Court had ever debuted with over 100 members. However, the Holland Inn's opening membership tally was 109.
The idea for creation of this Inn of Court was that of its namesake, Justice Randy J. Holland, a member of the Supreme Court of Delaware. Long active in the American Inns of Court, including service as a past national President, Justice Holland recommended creation of an Inn of Court focusing on Workers' Compensation law in Delaware. Justice Holland stated that "The lawyers who practice workers' compensation in Delaware already have a reputation for ethics, civility professionalism and legal excellence. The establishment of an American Inn of Court will support and enhance their collective personification of those principles."
The Holland Inn is comprised of members of the Judiciary, members of the Industrial Accident Board and its Hearing Officers and a high percentage of the active membership of the Workers' Compensation Section of the Delaware State Bar Association. Membership in the Holland Inn affords the opportunity for a dynamic and informative exchange of ideas to enhance the practice of Workers' Compensation law in the State of Delaware and is open to all interested members of the Judiciary and Industrial Accident Board, practitioners and law students.
Click here to learn about the Inn's Inaugural Meeting.