Why Join?


Professional Growth

By participation at regular Inn meetings, you will be an active part of the exchange of practical lessons, methods, and ideas focused on the highest standards of the legal profession. Inn meetings provide a relaxed, informal environment for informative discussions among all levels of the bench and bar.

Sharing experiences and insights between seasoned members and less experienced practitioners is a fundamental principle of American Inns of Court. In addition to practical, skills-oriented programs, personal interaction in mentoring relationships is a unique benefit of Inn membership.

Reconnect with the Profession

Inn membership gives you an association with some of the finest practitioners and jurists in your community. Meetings are designed to promote social interaction, professional relationships and camaraderie in a setting of education and skills development.

Applying to the Bryant Inn

We have four membership categories: Student (law students); Associate (fewer than 5 years of bar membership); Barrister (more than 5 years of bar membership); and Master (over 20 years of bar membership). Membership qualifications consist of a serious interest in litigation and advocacy techniques, the desire to maintain professionalism in the bar, and the willingness to commit time and energy to monthly participation in the Inn’s scheduled activities.

If you are interested in membership in the William B. Bryant American Inn of Court, please go to the application page of this website for contact information.