Monthly programs are the foundation
of each Inn. Local Inn programs also provide the rare opportunity
for all levels of the profession to come together and learn from
each other.
These monthly local Inn programs are collected and stored in
the national program library. The program
library consists of programs created by local Inns and
submitted to the national office. The library is available as a
resource for new program ideas or programs on specific topics and
practice areas and many programs can be downloaded from the online
For each of the meetings of the I'Anson-Hoffman Inn, a
Pupilage Group is responsible for presenting a program on
professionalism that would be of interest to, and beneficial to,
our Inn and its members. The Pupilage Group should meet in
advance of their assigned presentation date, to decide what the
program topic should be, and to assign roles to each member for the
presentation of that program. The Program Chair may provide
assistance and suggestions as needed.
Written materials should be used and made available to the
membership at the meeting. We submit the program materials to the
Virginia MCLE board, so that our members may receive CLE
credit for attending the meeting. If hypotheticals are being
used, then the answers must also be provided, in order to obtain
CLE credit. In addition, the materials are submitted to the
National office of the American Inns of Court, so that they can be
documented and used to assist other Inns in program