Professors Thompson G. Marsh and Lucy A. Marsh are well respected, highly influential professors at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. Combined the father and daughter duo have taught more than 70 years of law students indelibly shaping the Colorado bench and bar. Conservative estimates show through his teaching he influenced more than 4,000 lawyers in the Denver Metro area. At his retirement, Thompson said, "I think I did just what I wanted to all my life." Thompson passed away in 1992.
From Our Membership ~
This Inn has fostered a wider sense of purpose in my work. I am reminded after meetings that our obligations as attorneys do not simply end when billable work is complete but extends to a lifetime of leadership and advocacy in our communities.
~Shannon Hughes, member since 2015
Today, Professor Lucy Marsh is a force to be reckoned with. Having recently won a ground-breaking gender discrimination case, she continues teaching at DU, leads the innovative Tribal Wills Project she created, and has fun putting on the Trial by Jury, a comedic one-act opera by Sullivan & Gilbert.
The Marsh Inn of Court strives to continue their on-going legacy of commitment to scholarship and camaraderie among its members for the betterment of the bench and bar alike. Come to our next meeting to see how you will fit into The Marsh Inn of Court.