The Inn meets in Little Rock, Arkansas. 

Judge Overton ImageWilliam R. Overton Biography

William Ray Overton was born September 19, 1939 in Malvern, Arkansas and died July 14, 1987 in Little Rock, Arkansas. He received his B.S./B.A. from the University of Arkansas in 1961 and his LL.B. from the University of Arkansas School of Law in 1964. He was in the private practice of law in Little Rock from 1964 to 1979. He was nominated to a new seat in the district court by President Jimmy Carter in 1979 at the suggestion of his good friend Senator David Pryor. He served from May 11, 1979 until his death in 1987.

Judge Overton was an active member of the Arkansas Bar Association and served on  many of its committees. After joining the federal judiciary he continued as a speaker and lecturer at many of its seminars and meetings. An ABA resolution recognized Judge Overton as "an exceptionally able lawyer and judge and valued friend of all Arkansas lawyers." The Pulaski County Bar Association named its Inns of Court for Judge Overton.

Judge Stephen Reasoner, who succeeded him, said of Judge Overton: "The thought of  taking the place of Judge Overton gives me some severe feelings of inadequacy. I can't do that. Nobody can take the place of Bill Overton. He was as fine a judge who ever sat in the Eastern District of Arkansas or any other district in this country." Judge Oren Harris said "In my judgment he was a champion of the Constitution; he was a champion of human rights."