The History of the Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court 2018 Platinum

The Honorable Joseph B. Campbell Inn of Court was chartered on March 30, 1992, and was the first Inn chartered in the Inland Empire. It is named after one of the most distinguished jurists from San Bernardino County, former Presiding Justice of the Fourth Appellate District, Division Two, Joseph B. Campbell.

Justice Campbell was born and raised in the Inland Empire (Victorville) and attended Yale for his undergraduate degree and USC for law school. He was first a Superior Court Judge, then elevated to the Presiding Justice. His reputation for his legal acumen, integrity, and ethics were a model for all those who knew him, and the reason the Inn took his name.

The first President of our Inn was Bruce McLachlan, Esq. Serving thereafter was William Shapiro, Esq., the Honorable Wilfred J. Schneider, Jr., the Honorable David A. Williams, the Honorable Leslie E. Murad, II, the Honorable John Pacheco, Traci Whaley Patino, Esq., and the Honorable Barbara A. Buchholz. Our current President for the 2024-2025 Inn year is Jesse Male, Esq.

In 2007, the Joseph B. Campbell Inn established a scholarship to support those college-bound high school seniors who excel in both civility and presentation in the San Bernardino County High School Mock Trial Tournament. The Inn believes it important to encourage students in recognition of a job well done.

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