The Justice William Bobbitt Inn of
Court was charted by the efforts of The Honorable Frank W. Snepp,
Jr., Retired Senior Resident Superior Court Judge for the
Twenty-Sixth Judicial District and other members of the Mecklenburg
County Bar Association in Charlotte, North Carolina. The combined
efforts of these legal professionals was to honor a leader in the
legal profession and support the mission of the American Inns of
Court in our local community:
"To foster excellence in
professionalism, ethics, civility, and legal skills for judges,
lawyers, academicians, and students of law in order to perfect the
quality, availability, and efficiency of justice in the United

Justice William Bobbitt
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In the same way our Inn desires to
give back to each other in knowledge and comrodery, our Inn also
strives to give back to our community. Help us help others by
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