Platinum Level Distinction In Achieving Excellence Program

The Vassar B. Carlton Inn of Court has received notice from our Chapter Relations Director, Pam Wittman, that the Inn has  once again   achieved Platinum Level Distinction in the Achieving Excellence Program for 2017-2018. The Inn has achived  The Platinum Level Distinction each year since 2010.   The Platinum Level Distinction is the highest level of distinction an Inn may reach with the others being Bronze, Silver and Gold. The Achieving Excellence program is designed to encourage effective practices in the five core competencies of Inn management. It is a tiered achievement-based program that recognizes activities in which Inns are already involved and builds on an Inn's successes. Each level recognizes an Inn's progress toward mastering these core competencies of Administration, Communications, Programs, Mentoring, and Outreach Activities. The Inn will be recognized in the Bencher, the American Inn of Court website, the Celebration of Excellence event program and a Certificate of Achievement will be presented by our chapter relations director at an Inn meeting.


Circle of Excellence Award

The Vassar B. Carlton American Inn of Court in Melbourne recently garnered national recognition by being awarded with the Circle of Excellence Distinction for excellence in administrative procedures, community outreach, educational programming, and its mentoring program. Pam Wittmann, Director of Chapter Relations, Southeast Region, traveling from the national office in Alexandria, Virginia, presented the award on November 4, 2009 to the membership at the monthly Inn meeting. The Inn was presented with a certificate and the members of the executive committee earned special lapel pins for their efforts.

The Vassar B. Carlton Inn of Court is one of 342 in the nation, and one of only 22 Inns to be recognized for excellence, ranking it in the top 6% of Inns nationwide. The organization is designed to improve the skills, professionalism, and ethics of the bench and bar. As noted in the letter of congratulations, the Inn "exemplifies the integrity, professionalism, and dedication to the highest standards of effective administration, program development, and the legal profession."


2009 Circle of Excellence Award Presentation

Pictured from left to right: 18th Judicial Circuit Judge Dean Moxley (RET), Attorney Steve Charpentier, Attorney Clif McClelland, Brevard County Court Judge Dave Silverman, Brevard County Court Judge Kelly McKibben, Attorney Joan Berry Nassar, Brevard County Judge Michelle Baker, 18th Judicial Circuit Public Defender (RET) JR Russo and Pam Wittmann from the national office of the American Inns of Court in background.
