2016-2017 San Francisco Bay Area IP Inn Schedule

  • September 2016: IP: The Year in Review and in Preview
  • October 2016: Objective Reasonableness - Still at Play for Willfulness?
  • November 2016:  Flitter v. Flintstone: employee mobility and the DTSA
  • January 2017:  Lee v. Tam: Disparagement under the Lanham Act
  • February 2017: Football, Video Games, Avatars, the Right of Publicity and the First Amendment
  • March 2017: Post-Marshall plan?  TC Heartland: What's next
  • April 2017: Judicial Panel: District Court Judges Susan Illston and William Orrick and Superior Court Judge Michael Markman in a question and answer session moderated by Judge Bernard Zimmerman
  • May 2017:  Life Technologies v. Promega trial presentation
  • June 2017: A Crazy Little Thing Called Law (A Musical Preview of Upcoming IP Cases of Import  or at least vague interest) by the June Pupilage Group  Inter Partes  Revue