Mission of the American Inns of Court
The mission of the American Inns of Court is to foster excellence in professionalism, ethics, civility and legal skills.

New York Inn of Court Membership
If you are interested in applying for membership in The New York American Inn of Court, please visit our Member Information page or reach out to the Membership Committee Co-Chairs, Jasmine Chean and Elisha Barron, for more information.
In the Fall of each year, nominations for new Inn members are solicited from the Inn's active members. The members of the Membership Committee also conduct independent outreach efforts and update our on-line application. Applications received from all of these sources are reviewed and voted on by the Membership Committee.
The New York Inn of Court has approximately 130 active members, divided into Masters of the Bench, Barristers, Associates, and Students. Masters generally have ten to fifteen or more years of experience. Barristers generally have been practicing for approximately five to 10 or 15 years. Associates are junior lawyers or law clerks and students are selected from law schools.
The Inn's members are drawn from throughout the New York Metro area. Membership is open to all qualified persons, regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, sexual preference, national origin or disability.
The New York Inn's membership reflects the rich diversity of the New York area bench and bar and includes representatives of the plaintiffs' bar, defense counsel, government lawyers, corporate counsel, law professors, persons working in large and small firms, solo practitioners, and federal and state trial and appellate judges. No firm or type of practice is disproportionately represented.