The TOPs Awards are given annually to two people - one Inn
member and one non-Inn member - each of whom has quietly, but
significantly, demonstrated a positive impact on our community by
individual effort to live the ideals of the TOPs
Award's concepts: That it
Takes One
Person to
Tackle One
Problem to
Transform Our
Phoenix (TOPs) for the
betterment of all.
Past Inn-Member recipients:
- Patience Huntwork, Esq. (2015-16)
- Hon. Donn Kessler (2016-17)
- Hon. Marianne Bayardi (2017-18)
- Jerry Landau, Esq. (2018-19)
Non-Inn-member recipients:
- Scott Ritchey (2015-16)
- Stephen Montoya, Esq. (2016-17)
- Timothy Hogan, Esq. (2017-18)
- Frantz Beasley (2018-19)
Click here for information
about our 2018-2019 award recipients, Jerry Landau, Esq. and Frantz