Our American Inn of Court has active membership based on
the number of years of legal experience:
Masters of the Bench (also known as "Benchers" or
"Masters") are generally appellate and trial judges, and
experienced trial and appellate attorneys of demonstrated superior
character, ability and litigating competence. The term of service
of a Master is indefinite, for long-term continuity. Masters have
at least 15 or more years of legal experience.
Barristers are attorneys who have had some litigating
experience but are not yet Masters. They generally have 3 to 15
years of legal experience.
Associates are attorneys who have recently begun their legal
careers and litigation experience. They generally have 0 to 3 years
of legal experience.
Pupils are third year law students who serve one year

It is the goal of this structure to provide mentoring and
networking opportunities to educate, inspire new ideas, and foster
Would you like to join us? Please submit the following
Membership Application to adm@justicebobbittinn.org or bring it
along with you to the next event.